dave and i just finished watching the girl with the dragon tatoo; and at the credits, i asked dave, "hey would you advance the laundry?" mind you its 11pm.
and dave HATES it when our neighbors do laundry when we are going to sleep, because somehow the hummmm of the dryer downstairs in the laundry room; is annoying to him.
i on the other hand can't hear it.
so in response dave said he would do it in the morning, since he always wakes up early and we have a lot to do tomorrow before we leave for LA.
i ask him what do we have to do?
and he said, "pack, clean, go to the gym...etc"
as i lounge on the couch, still not moving since the tv has been turned off.
i reply, "wha wha whaaaa"
dave just looks at me and states that he just got a glimpse into his future when he will be trying to talk to one of his daughters and she is going to simply reply in a defiant tone with words that don't make any sense.
dave then proceeds to walk into the hall square (its the 5 foot space between the living room and the bathroom and the bedroom...not big enough to be a hall way, but rightly termed as a hall square).
he asks me, "kim could you please put your shoes away? it looks like they have systematically stepped off the shoe rack and onto the floor..."
(they are all lined up, in pairs, on the floor; neatly...its just that i haven't put them back into the closet, and onto the shoe rack)
now, my shoes are a big point of contention between dave and i.
it might possibly be true i have 10 times more pairs of shoes than he does.
its been highly encouraged that i shouldn't buy anymore shoes as they won't fit onto the shoe rack.
(but really? if the shoe fits and the girl likes them....)
back to dave...standing, looking down at the neatly arranged line up of a few pairs of shoes lining the perimeter of the hall square....
dave shares he is having another glimpse into his future,
he is concerned that when he asks his daughter to put her shoes away, she'll just reply, "uhh why? mom doesn't put her shoes away?"