the streets are wet, and the skies are grey; but i am truly loving it.
i made a breakfast quiche this morning, and i baked an apple tart/pie/delicious little treat for us this afternoon.
i like these kind of days, one where we are encouraged to slow down, to pick up a good book, to drink a glass of red wine, and head to the kitchen to create some good food to simply love and enjoy the rainy-slow-paced-inside-day to its fullest!
a recap: the month of october has been a fun filled month, and its not even over yet!
we had his birthday...and great friends came out to celebrate with us!

shannon came home for her birthday weekend...we had so much fun!

we had my daddio come visit for fleet week weekend.
we truly enjoyed spending time with him! we had beautiful weather and my dad was so willing and happy to walk all over the city!

we picked up snacks at the farmers market!

we've been to a few giants games

we had a quick visit to chico to visit the parents, the nephews and my brother and his wife, and their baby girl Finley, my litle grandma (who didn't want her picture taken...grr) and to meet little Brianna.

and november, here we come!!