judah is easy going and inquisitive, so full of questions, like a thirsty little sponge he wants to soak up everything around him.
my favorite question was,
"aunt kim, how many grains of sand are in my hand? can we count them?"

i really enjoyed watching my brother interact with his son.
he is incredibly patient, loving, gracious and consistently kind.
the two of them have such a precious relationship, judah adores his dad, and it was really fun to witness them enjoy their solo time together.

on their last evening at my place, judah and i made valentines together for his classmates, his parents and his siblings...he is mastering the alphabet so i gave him a sheet of letter stickers with capitalized letters on one side and lower case on the other.
while searching for certian letters he would sing the alphabet song and then the vowel song, one i have never heard,
"a for apple, e for eagle, i for ice cream, o for oatmeal and u for united states"
(sing it with increasing volume for effect!)

totally agree with the comment about watching eric interact with judah. sean and i were glad to see them and the valentine judah made us was too cute :)
Love the pics. You make a great anut!
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