here are my many faces while enjoying my dessert, and 99 out of 100 times, its chocolate.
when dave takes me out to dinner, or rather we decide together to go out to date nights, dinners and the such change from the weekly event you plan and look forward to, often times the conversation goes a little something like,
"what do you want for dinner?"
"do we have food in our fridge to cook?"
"do we have any leftovers?"
"do you want to order thai food, and i'll pick it up on the way home?"
i think such conversations happen as we both are working full-time-plus; and sometimes creating a meal at home (as fun, enjoyable and rewarding as it is) can also be viewed as overwhelming and exhausting.
(specifically when my alarm clock went off at 408am, and i went running after work, and its now 6pm and i still have to shower, and prepare for tomorrow...creating a meal at times is too much work)
i have gone on a tangent.
oh yes, my love for dessert, preferably chocolate.
when dave and i do go out for dinner, when the waitress comes by and asks, "would you like to see the dessert menu?"
i love it when dave says, "YES!" and he knows i prefer anything chocolate, and i know he prefers anything apple sometimes we don't agree.
but sometimes he says, "which chocolate item would you like?"
and hence, the pictures above of me eating some chocolate mousse cake with fresh homemade whip cream.
(do not judge, i had just walked all over the city...if calories can be earned, i earned them that day!)