coming in with my PR at 2hrs 15 minutes
(which includes a stop for the bathroom!!)
it was an early 7am start.
accompanied by Mel(awesome long time friend of DB/I and running friend)
and Sean (bro-in-law)!

DB was super kind and generous, setting his alarm for 515am, so that he could get us to the start line in time!!
the race was cold

the course was a simple out and back, with a 1.5 mile hill at mile 5 and a few hills at mile 7 and 12. mile 12 was the hardest, i couldn't push my legs to go faster.
i knew i was situated between the 2:10 and the 2:20 pace runners, so when i saw the mile 13 sign, i was got a little emotional; maybe i cried and attempted to pull it together for the finish.

but seriously!? so thrilled i did so well when it was freezing cold!!

mel and sean did great, it was seans first half ever...he beat us both!
(damn those long legs!)

this was mel's second half for the year, and she beat her previous time as well!
good times had by all.

even my FIL came out to stand in the freezing cold at the finish line!
( photo of him)
there were a TON of our friends/acquaintances who created a world vision team to raise money for wells and clean water to be accessible to those in africa who might not have access to such things we take for granted.

they all raised money, and ran either the half, 10k or the 5k!
super fun to see so many of our friends!

after the race, in attempt to get my body temp back to the normal 98.6 degrees, i took a long nice warm bath with jets and bubbles; and DB went to katy's korner to pick me up my favorite: a breakfast burrito with a side of potatoes!
he truly is a gem! (thanks dave!)
So proud of you Kim! Well done!
So awesome! Great job and congrats - 3 in a year? You're a rockstar...
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