this is huge, he not only went to grad school, excelled at that
he completed his 3300 hours in record time
took and passed the first exam, started studying again, took and passed the second exam
all the while; we had little Will,
and through it all, DB works 50ish hours a week...quite the accomplishment!!

i am personally thankful the studying is done, selfishly because we will see him more!
and for that i am over-the-moon.
DB took the exam at 8am, and then after passing,
went directly to the doctors office for Will's 2 month visit.
our little mister received his first round of shots...he cried, but then quickly got over it!
what a champ!
he was very fussy and sleepy the rest of the day though

(this is me attempting to smile and enjoy the sleeping moments as he would alternate between screaming and fussy, then only sleeping when held; then back to crying...this cycle lasted a good 5 hours!)