we were running in opposite directions, and the timing of our passing was brief,
but in that moment she said was, "you go girl!"

truly, those three words inspired me to keep going, not only today, but going forward.
those three word affirmed all the hard work it took to get out to the trail this morning.
i know its vain, but it was so nice to be acknowledged and noticed
getting out there, planning Will's eat and sleep schedule, just so i could get in a run,
ensuring i have all the essential items i might need, the mom just-in-case back ups
its not like the "old days" of run when you want, for however long you want...
simple things back then, aren't so simple now.
miss anonymous runner made my day by encouraging me with those three simple words.
(thank you lady)

i'm back in running mode and training for my next race.
(its feels so good!)
this past weekend's 5k reignited my love and enjoyment of running
i have an awesome jogging stroller, and an even more awesome running partner

i am excited for the days when we get to run together!
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