
Thursday, September 12, 2013

im still alive...

yes, I am still alive.

i have sat down to write, update, post a photo or two; but have this overwhelming question of "where do i start?!  there is so much to catch up on"...and then i move on to something else instead as i don't know where to start or what to say.

but tonight.  im doing it.

i'll start with today.

i went running after i got home from work, and it was kickstart i needed!
i stopped by the market on the way home because post run i really wanted broccoli.
 (why!?  i don't know)
but i am sure DB is going to love me more, because i came home and wanted to cook dinner!
(i can't remember the last time i have cooked a full-on, real dinner for just me; which means left overs for him...which truly just makes his day)

earlier today,  i went to work.
i have just completed my 9th week back at work since my 6 month ML; its been definitely been CRAZY to say the least.  i am just now starting to feel like my head is above water, and im able to swim in this tsunami i've found myself in.
its getting better, but its been crazy!
the first month was filled with working 55+ hours a week... (i hope no one from my leadership team finds this::as we are only supposed to work 40)

but good thing, I love my job.   i truly do.
i enjoy what i do, i enjoy going to my store, i enjoy my people and the people we serve.

i didn't know how i would respond to going back to work after being on ML, i didn't know if i would want to be home instead.  but truly; i love both these roles i have:  mom and manager.  and before i went back to work i didn't know how those two could exist at the same time.
but they can and they do exist and they both bring incredible joy and fulfillment. 

there definitely are days when i miss my little Willy like crazy, and wish i was home with him; but my times with him are ever so sweet cause i savor every stinkin moment i get before i have to put him to bed.

 looking ahead...i am celebrating 10 years with this company next week!
and im thrilled!
who would have thought i'd be with this outstanding company for a DECADE of my life; and i can't even quantify/fathom all that this company has done for me; i suppose when i write that check for my house, i should send HS a thank you card for our stock program!

10 years!  i am excited to celebrate that next week (one week from today actually)!

a few weeks ago we celebrated out 5 year wedding anniversary!
it was a beautiful evening, we hosted dinner for our bridal party and their spouses!
the best night went by way too fast, and we took way too few photos...but we are planning on doing it again for our 10 year...maybe in italy?!  that'd be so awesome!

Will.  Our little guy is 7 months old now!
yes, old.  yes it goes by so fast....yet so slow at the same time.

we are so blessed by this addition.
he is doing so well; eating and sleeping so well.
he is crazy active; he started crawling right before his 6 month birthday.
and this month, he is pulling himself up onto everything: the couch, the cabinets, the chairs, the doors; anything really.
he is preparing to take off running, i know it!
he loves to stand, and he'll walk if you hold onto his hands.

he is sleeping super well.  he goes to sleep around 7/715pm, we still dream feed him at 10...and usually he'll sleep until 630/7am.   except for the past few nights he has been up at 430 hungry, but then goes back down till 630am; so we really can not complain.

he is pretty happy, but who wouldn't be!?  all his needs are met before he even has to ask for anything.

truly, priviledged.  the fact we live in the US, we live in the bay area of CA.
we have it pretty good compared to many....and we know that, and we are thankful for it.
we don't take it for granted.  

Will loves the water....his middle name should be Fish.

He is a lot of fun, this little one:)!


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