i am so excited this christmas we get to go home and be home for christmas; no work, just relaxing times at home.
maybe i'll turn my cell phone off for the 3 days...maybe.
i'm looking forward to going home, more than i truly let on; as i don't want to get my hopes up as something could come up or happen that might prevent us from making the trip; but if all goes according to plan...it'll be great to be home for christmas!
(the first time in 6 years!)
im planning on bringing my cook books so that i can to bake and cook; and my mom will probably sit at the bar stools and chat with me while i create. we'll probably sneak onto the golf course christmas day so that the golf-lovers can get a few holes in before dinner. we'll probably play with all the nephews and niece; maybe take them for a walk through the park. we'll probably build a puzzle. we'll probably go to the movies, and dad will buy everyone some popcorn (my favorite) love that he thinks of such things!
seriously...going home for christmas this year.....can't wait!!
on another holiday note...
dave has been wanting to make cookies for our neighbors, and we did just that, last night!

don't you wish you were our neighbor?
i am on the count down to 30.
i think that the 30's are going to be amazing and i truly am excited for the next decade of life!
this past weekend was my half birthday...and dave bought me flowers to celebrate!
18 months; 540 days until i turn 30.

happy monday...im off to bed, its been a work filled, work christmas-party monday; and i have an early alarm set for work tomorrow:)
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