it was a wonderful time with family and friends.
we had some rain and some clear weather (the golfers, they were thankful!)
a favorite gift...amazing warm fuzzy sweater to keep warm, and i've worn it every night since i received it from my m-i-l. (thank you!)

mom and dad bought us all personalized coffee mugs for our visit.
i think mom did it on purpose so we couldn't plead the 5th when she found a stray mug in the living room, or in the bathroom or in the laundry room... dave and i left ours behind so we have personalized mugs for each visit. :)

jenga was the game of the weekend. oh my what a hit.
and fun for all ages!

and some LCR

grandma was really cute, and thankfully healthy while we were home...i enjoyed getting time with her, even if she followed me around the house with her little swiffer.
she said having everyone home makes the floors dirty:)

finley was showing off her new walking skill all weekend long;
and silas received a new farm set and so we played a lot of "farmer silas"

going home is always grand. we like it...even when its rainy.

so glad you were able to spend a christmas at home!! looks like a lot of fun was had! ps-love the koala picture! :)
Every morning when I get Silas out of his crib I change his take off his jam-mies and get him dressed for the day. Every morning since Christmas he wants his baseball shirt. It is dirty most of the days and in the laundry. I try to offer other choices but he won't give up asking for his baseball shirt. So most mornings he is shirtless till after breakfast.
eric....that is awesome!! dave said he can see Silas as a catcher in the big leagues. :)
t-ball is shall be in a few years!!
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