the weather has been cold this season, like really cold; in contrast to the mildly chilly weather we experience during the winter.
i know its nothing like the east coast, but we don't live on the east coast, so when its in the 30's here, i say, its too cold for me.
but this past weekend it was beautiful. we stepped out to take advantage of the clear skies, the warm sun and the afternoon off together to enjoy the beach!
the change up in the weather was much appreciated and warmly welcomed!
we've been talking about where we want to live when we grow up, in the next five to ten years. currently we are still undecided as to where we will end up and/or move to. we have time, so we don't have to decide today....but with evenings like this i wonder why we even think about leaving the coast.
(if we were to move, i'd definitely miss this)

we walked along the cliffs and then made our way down to the water and kept walking!
we came upon this, but still unsure as to what it is/was.

check out the first photo.
dave had walked out to stand on a rock.

and now for the second photo
its little blurry, as i am almost falling over laughing, as dave was a bit caught off guard as the tide came in and encircled the rock he was standing on.
too bad his running shoes are still by the front door drying out

Great pictures... the lighting is neat. Cherish the beach while you have it!
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