do we go?
do we stay?
will we be tired?
will we start the week rested?
will re wish we had if we hadn't?
luckily. we made the right decision!
we make a quick trip to chico for the weekend!!
we both had to work on friday, so we left the bay around 6pm arriving at the parents house around 10pm.
im so glad we made the trip, it was a lot of driving simply to be there for all day saturday and part of the day on sunday...but oh so worth it!
we spent saturday golfing (them, not me) and then the four of us cooked an early dinner together.
(dave did the steak, mom did the mushrooms and salad, i did the garlic potatoes and dad poured the drinks!)
it was delicious, and wonderful.

sunday i ran 9 miles with kristy (in less than 90 minutes!)
and then we celebrated her birthday with some coffee...dave was on a bike ride and stopped by to say hi...then he spent the afternoon with grandma watching football:)
i wrapped up my chico time getting a pedicure with my mom!

it was good to get out of town
it was good to spend family time together
it was good to get an 8 hour car ride with my husband
i am so thankful we did it:)
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