hello first half marathon of 2012!
im very excited to announce a new PR, coming in at 2:11:30.

going into this race i had no idea how i would do.
i didn't push my training for the past 3 weeks, as in i only ran 4 times in the past 2 weeks.
i was pumping my body full of drowsy-sleep-inducing benedryl for the past 48 hours before race day.
(unsure what kind of allergy/problem i have, but waking up with my eyes swollen shut isn't a good thing...drs appointment later on this week)
i didn't feel super energized going into this race,
i was nervous about feeling defeated at the end; but i was pleasantly surprised!
it was like my body missed running and was thankful to get back into it.
(except for miles 11 and 12 when i was hoping for a jet pack of energy to boost me!)
it took 4 miles until i felt warm and then i was able to get into my groove.
im super thankful for mel, who joined me for this race.
we paced the first 8 miles between 9:16 and 9:45.
i am super thankful for our husbands who dropped us off at the start line, and then joined us and ran alongside us for the last 6 miles!
(thank you DB, i love you.)
being that this afternoon is the big game for those football enthusiasts
this is what we will be doing
me on the couch, laying down with computer; dave eyes glued to the tv
a good day had by all!

(looking forward...next half: april 22 in napa. with a few shorter races in between)