not sure why such a specific thing to want to make, i haven't made cookies in a while,
nor do i usually make oatmeal chocolate chip ones..
but bake i did

i didn't have any chocolate chips on hand, but i did have a handful of left over see's dark chocolate eggs from my easter basket (thanks mom!)
so i used those instead:)

i don't keep many cookies around the apartment, so i took them to my store
which my team loves, like really, they love them
as in i took a bunch in today; they were all gone before 4pm
and not every one had a chance to enjoy them
i am going to make more cookies tonight, so everyone can have some!
on tuesday night i met up with DB at the gym after i got off work.
this tends to be our tuesday tradition,
but this week, and laughed at me when i walked in with a large white cup!

little did he know, it was filled with water, as i couldn't find my water bottle!
today, i needed to pay a parking meter
but was totally blocked by this guy

he was asking others for money, and when i asked him to feed my meter, he pocketed the change i handed him.
luckily for me, i didn't get a ticket.
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