on the northern end in a little, off the beaten path in a little quaint town of calistoga.
hot. 85-88 degrees.
coming from the city that resides in the 50-60's....80+ is hot.
specifically when we went to run!
we also had the time to go wine tasting and castle touring and took time to relax too.

DB gets the gold medal; this is the 3rd weekend this month he has taken me to a running event!

kristy told me i should give him a break from all these events, and let him have a weekend off!
the race was small-ish, approximately 1000 participants; out and back course on the silverado trail which takes us past some great looking vineyards.

after the race we cleaned up and had one last meal together
and then we had to say good bye to a fun filled weekend with our friends

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