mexico continued....

we did a lot of relaxing on our trip, with time either at the pool or on the beach:)

some of our favorite memories were:
the art walk
every thursday evening downtown the art district in san jose opens up all their galleries and many locals make an evening out of it.

its the time to meet the artists, buy local art and enjoy being outside/downtown

this particular thursday was accompanied by music night, which meant all the streets were blocked off and there were bands playing all over downtown, in the streets, in the plaza square, in front of restaurants.
casa dahlia
we met the artist of this gallery on thursday night, and then she (atrist) and her husband (chef) invited us back for their friday night dinner and a movie event.
typically you need a reservation, but as we were travling during the off season, they weren't booked for that friday.

this date night was by far one of our favorites.
in the back of the art gallery is a patio cafe with a wood brick oven; his artist/chef couple host dinner and a movie on friday night, only 18 reservations per friday.

they showed the gold rush by charlie chaplin; and started us off with a fresh green and vegetable salad. followed by a slice of pizza every 15 minutes; each pizza was different, and equally as AMAZING!! we left that night so full yet we had such a great time!

we wished we had stayed there for 2 fridays so we could go back and enjoy an evening like that again:)
scrabble: on the nights we stayed into cook and relax, we played a few rounds of scrabble.
our beach
almost every afternoon we found ourselves back at
our beach; it was a quiet little beach, away from other tourists, spotted with a few locals.

everyday they would ask dave to go fishing, he declined.
one of the locals spotted this fish, and swam out with a hook in his hand, and caught it...with just a hook!!!!
discovering little towns
we enjoyed the slow-life-pace of all the places we visited!

many quaint towns with places to sit, walk around and enjoy
we like to stay in places where there is good food, obviously.
but in addition, we like to cook in on vacation and hang out at "home"
(thats rare whether its here or there!)
road side tacos

note: since we traveled during the off season, most commonly we were the only ones in the restaurant...and we didn't mind one bit.
tequilla. we started off our week at this fancy pants place, which was amazing!
cafe sante fe came highly recommended in totos santos
(a local book store owner said it might possibly be the best italian food in baja)
mamas royal cafe in cabo san lucas
(we went twice!! i am a lover of breakfast burritos, and they make a really good one!)
mi cocnia at hotel nathalia.
a couple weekends ago at the bed and breakfast in monterey we met a woman from houston who hooked us with with a reservation at mi conino in san jose. she knew the owner and highly recommended the place!
it was amazing. our entre was a chicken ensemble with balsamic dark chocolate glaze!

for dessert they brought us a lava cake with basil ice cream (delish!)
habeneros was where we closed out our vacation with the largest piece of mud pie ever!

till next time....