our first (for vacation) international trip traveled together.
and it was a success.
DB is the complete planner. he reads tour books, makes agendas, does research; and i just to go along for the ride; and its pretty fantastic!
we rented the best condo set up ever (if you need the contact info, email me)
we had equal parts of adventure and time of relaxing.
when we arrived the G20 was just finishing up their week long convention.
obama was staying right across the street from our place; of course we didn't see any delegates; as the federal police were EVERYWHERE keeping an eye on things; pointing machine guns at every car/person that passed by the street. their presence was thick; we felt safe for sure; and there weren't any G20 related riots/protests/safety issues.
we did see air force one when we landed:)

as san jose is located at the very end of baja, on the west side; we took day trips; up to the east cape (beyond cabo san lucus) and up north to the west cape (cabo pulmo) and then inland to todos santos and santiago.

many of times our favored paved roads turned to dirt roads; and in some situations turned to sandy roads (both of which we took with caution)

one our way to a water fall in santiago
(thank you tour guide book, for specific kilometer points of direction..."at km 0.62 take the fork in the road, at km 1.77 veer right past the cactus and then take the sandy road to the right, follow the signs if they are still there..."

when the road turned to this...

we decided to turn back and not get stuck out in the middle of no where
there was a beautiful view of santiago on our way back down the mountain

from the search of the waterfall in santiago, we went to cabo pulmo in search of a snorkeling adventure.
as with all our warm weathered trips we went snorkeling; except for this time; it was FREEZING! this particular location, in the sea of cortez, it was fresh water coldness. it was a little windy so the visibility was low, and i thought our tour guide was going to capsize our boat into the rocks (he didn't) it was an adventure for sure.

we also went kayaking out to the Arch; where the pacific ocean meets the sea of cortez...that too was nuts! in mexico, on the streets and in the water; there are very few traffic laws enforced and followed. while kayaking there were boats zipping around the marina, jet skiers cutting in and out; in addition to larger than normal waves. we were such troopers and took our kayak out to the point, saw the arch and successfully made it back without falling out of our boat.
(sadly, not photos of this adventure, as it would have been WAY too RISKY to take my camera out while navigating the waves...trust me)
here is a view of the arch from afar
(it is hidden at the end of the rocks; but yes, we kayaked all the way out there!)

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