can it happen? the answer is yes.
"...this day has started off weird..."
thats what DB said as he awoke to find me already at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee.
the time was 815am, and i had been awake for almost an hour.
i was done sleeping, i tried to turn over and continue sleeping, but it wasn't happening.
so i woke earlier than DB, on my own, without an alarm clock, on my day off...
quite possibly this is the first time in our married career such a thing has happened.
i took a pregnancy test, and left it on the bathroom counter for DB to see.
i couldn't conclude if there were 2 visible lines, or if it was just one faint line one accompanied by a dark line.
i just thought.... its inconclusive.
if i don't start my period today; i'll take another test tomorrow before we leave for my race.
i made coffee; which tasted foul; no idea why...maybe my soy milk wasn't fresh?
but the soy wasn't expired.
regardless, i didn't have more than 2 sips before i tossed it and gave up on coffee for the day.
i did make oatmeal, which turned out just fine.
when DB came out of the bathroom, he asked me about the pregnancy test, i said, "it doesn't appear to be negative or positive"; he responded, "time will tell"
i threw it away and we went on our day.
i showered and we took off for costco and trader joes.
when we got home DB asked me, "hey, i have two questions, are you interested inn ATV-ing in Mexico? and if you are pregnant is that something you're allowed to do?"
i said, "yes i am interested!; are there jumps? do many people fall off? if so, then it might not be the smartest idea; but if it isn't too crazy i think i'd be fine"
i said, "do you think im pregnant?"
DB said, "time will tell...haha"
we started to cut up all our fruits and vegetables, and made juice.
we started discussing next weekend, my birthday and what i wanted to get out of the weekend; i mentioned a pedicure, and coffee, and we're going to meet up with jill/sean for drinks....oh wait, what if i am pregnant, we'll have to tell jill/sean that weekend; cause they're hosting us for drinks....
what will we do the following weekend?....we're going to chico to see the whole family; do we tell them all we're pregnant then?
DB started to get annoyed with the "what if's..."
and i said, "well how about i go take a pregnancy test?"
DB was hesitant, he was good with his "time will tell" mantra.
I, on the other hand, just want to know, yes or no
i like to know as soon as possible.
so i took the test; we wait 3 minutes.
DB asked, "can i go the bathroom, or should i wait for the results?"
i said, go the bathroom, it'll be here when you're done.
he decides, to wait.
clear blue: 99% accurate reads; PREGNANT.
DB says, "are you sure?" "is that accurate?"
i said, "it looks pretty clear to me. congratulations! what do we do now?"
we took a few moments, took a few pictures,
partial reality started to creep in.
we both asked, "how are you feeling? are you okay?"
more pictures.
DB says, "lets sit down. lets pray"
before we prayed, we talked and shared all the current emotions.
(calm, okayness, anxious, slightly shocked, but not surprised, excited, ready)
he asked, "do you feel like a mother?"
i asked, "does it feel real?"
we cried. we hugged.
i checked the clear blue just to make sure i read it correctly.
it continued to read: PREGNANT.
DB said, "well this day turned out to be really weird"
we then walked to the mailbox to drop off some outgoing mail, we did a yoga session, went the the gym, talked about what to eat dinner...
(yup, this photo is from our time at the gym, just hours after finding out....)