for the second year in a row, DB and I attended the global leadership summit
it was great, and we're planning on attending next year as well
(only next year, an added twist.... we will need to find a babysitter)
we really enjoy this conference, personally and professionally; and it truly is fantastic to attend together; and go to the lake for a lunch date together both days...such a treat:)

here i am....14 weeks pregnant
i plan on working out till the day i give birth
all the while knowing, the way i work out has to be adapted and changed; as i already run less walk more; but it still feels oh-so-good to get my sweat on

one week ago, we were in chico working for my parents.
it was warm, and sunny and just lovely to change up our life pace

DB cooked for us all....delicious as usual

yesterday i came home from my last day of work at the fillmore,
flowers were on the table with a very sweet card.
in addition, DB made one of my favorites for dinner: chicken parmesan.

today, we rested, went for a walk along the reservoir and meet up with the Barrys for dinner!

looking ahead,
tomorrow i start at my new store!!
thursday we celebrate our 4th anniversary! (holy moly, time flies!)
this weekend, we are celebrating friendship!
(friends having babies, friends flying into visit, friends having birthdays!)
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