In those moments I thought, "is this for real?"
Reality hasn't full sunk in yet, Im not sure what reality will feel like.

In the moments when DB and I have had the chance to debrief, we have discussed the many Lessons Learned in our very short amount of time as parents...and I'm certain there will be hundreds more!

Here are a few::
Lesson Learned: Don't leave the house empty handed.
This past weekend we ventured off to a near by park with some friends.
In the hustle to mobilize our little Will and there 3 kids out the door,
I failed to grab my bag (contents: bottle, diapers/wipes, pacifier).
Three Things A Mom Should Never Go Anywhere Without!!
Rookie fail on my part!
Needless to say DB had to run back to get the items I failed to pack

Lesson Learned: Know how to put on a diaper properly
Last week I discovered that Will has this super ability to pee out his diaper!
I was feeding him and all of a sudden my thigh is wet right under his little body.
When checked, his clothes were wet, and majority of his diaper was dry.
Note: Endure diapers are both, the right size and properly secured in place!
Noted: Babies pee a lot, newborn diapers are tiny and fill up fast!

Lesson Learned: You will adapt to lack of sleep
Week one, we discovered we both had energy reserves we didn't know existed.
We were (still am) sleeping so little and being on call for around the clock care for little Will,
its surprising we are getting out the house everyday and able to function.

Lesson Learned: Having a baby slows you down
DB and I have never spent so much time at home, ever.

This was so much fun to read and I nodded to every one of these.
@caroline. ;). There will be more to share!! Hope you had a great birthday!
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