the countdown of how many fridays i have left, at home-not working, has begun.
i believe i only have 4 or 5 left!!

the closer june approaches, the closer reality of me going back to work becomes.
i am experiencing every possible emotion associated with returning back to work, leaving my little Will behind, relinquishing my daily control over his schedule, re-assimilating back into the professional side of what i do....etc.

we have started the on going conversation of schedules, Will-care, and how to make it all happen. there is the full gamut of anxiety, apprehension, anticipation and peace about it all.
changing topics...
this guy

he is just precious
and today he laughed

and i truly enjoy him, he is delightful

i wish back in the day, when he was weeks 1-10 someone told me, "all this banter of schedules, feedings, sleep, bottle vs. breast, naps,'ll all work itself out. you take care of him, you feed him when he is hungry, respond when he cries, meet his needs, and it'll all work out."
i wish i had the ability to comprehend that the sleep deprevation would diminish with each week, as he grows, he sleeps, as he sleeps he grows; with time he'll sleep longer.
(in hindsight it makes total sense...but living it, and not sleeping, and waking up every 2 hours to feed him....ability to even think it'll get better was hard to do)
you live and you learn...welcome to parenting!
signing off: enjoy the weekend...and take pictures:)