for this i am excited, not to pacify him and control his noise, but to give him a tool to help him calm down and hopefully aid him in falling asleep on his own.
up until now, we have been rocking him, holding and helping him fall asleep---which is exhausting---but also up until this point, will hasn't been interested in the pacifier.
so happy day 96 to this guy, i hope the pacifier helps him fall asleep, and also soothe him when he wakes up in the middle of the night:)
today, Will is 97 days old!

he was sitting, propped up on the chair, and i turn around to find him lounging in the sun

this guy...he is pretty great!

i do enjoy him, though at times during these limited days at home (on maternity leave) i feel i need to be uber productive and accomplish "something" and/or "everything"...yet taking care of him is constant and demanding; and even though i am home, its not easy completing basic home tasks; like laundry, grocery shopping, sweeping and mopping the floors...etc.
im still trying to figure it all out.

i am excited to see him grow into a little toddler, which will lead to a little kid and eventually into an adult!

i love his smile and look forward to hearing his laughter

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