i didn't want to be that person creeping into little clusters of conversations just to get a photo; so unfortunately i didn't get a photograph of everyone who came to celebrate with us.
(if you aren't documented, forgive me, but your conversation looked too rich to interrupt)
my friend shannon was amazing. she came out for the day to help me cook, chop, stir, clean, set up, create and make the party happen!
couldn't have done it without her!
thanks so much shannon!

(these are my new birthday aprons...love them!)
aaron and sarah were trying to sniff out the different kinds of chocolate underneath all the pretty packaging:)

jen and kim...the bff's. they were super helpful and great hostesses!

the youngest party attender with her fabulous parents!
miss ruby was a champ sleeping a whopping 3 hours through the tail end of party, and slept the whole way home!
good job ruby!!

ben and kristin...looking natural.

dave with aaron and sarah.

the graduates with the sears.

the graduates with the original kim.

it was a fun party...and more celebrating next weekend when Dave gets to walk across the stage and receive his diplomas!
oh its going to be great!
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