seriously, we have been that busy, we haven't had time to dust the bookshelves and end tables, clean out the refrigerator, vacuum, dust the window sills, scrub the baseboards, bleach out the shower/bathroom...etc, etc.
our poor little apartment has been in need of a little tlc for a few weeks now.
so the day after dave receives his much deserved and much celebrated degrees, he asked if we could spend some time cleaning!
...of course!
(and the cleaning frenzy happened only after we shared a pot of coffee and french toast)
we both love it much more when out apartment is organized, clean and inviting and then we aren't embarrassed if anyone happens to stop by and happens to see our clutter, and/or the trail i leave behind when i walk through the door.
below is what we wished out place looked like all of the time.
but at least we started the week off with a sparkling, clean, good looking place!

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