
Monday, March 28, 2011

marvin gardens

this week for date night we stayed in, ordered thai food and played a mean game of monopoly.
we received these really amazing board games that are packaged as if they are large old wooden books; during this rainy weathered weekend; we decided to take the shrink wrap off of our monopoly game (the gift receipt from 2008 still attached!) and challenge each other with a little roll of the dice, a buying properties, fighting over park place, being sent to jail, and wondering how neither of us landed on pacific avenue.

lets just say, i had one amazing game.
at one point i had to give the bank change, as it was running low of $100's.
and then poor dave, he lost.
but i won!

and it was fun. and i hope he doesn't hold it against me, but every time he landed on marvin gardens it cost him $850; three turns in a row!


audrey and josh said...

You two are precious...

Morgan said...

Sounds like the perfect date night!

And, by the way, I'm loving seeing little glimpses of your life and so glad you are blogging!
xo, Morgan

Anonymous said...

so fun!

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