and we celebrated with some fabulous people whom we are grateful to have in our lives!
dave wanted to have a bocce afternoon hang out with family and friends, and thats just what we did.
many thanks to my sister and her husband for preparing all the food and taking care of the details so dave and i could show up and have a great time.
(thank you thank you jill and sean!)

the little italian ladies weren't shy when sharing their bocce techniques and secrets

our officially measuring technique...foot by foot.

i am incredibly thankful dave has these guys in his life

even ruby plays bocce

we're friends...yet both a little competitive glad they made it

the italian ladies approve!

im sad its blurry, but i still love it

the 10-4 club

happy birthday to dave!

(next time...i need someone to take my camera, so dave and i get a photo together!)
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