there was a huge 90 lb. weight that was like half my body size...i was doing push ups next to it, thinking, that thing could seriously do some damage.
there was a lady at the gym who fell off the treadmill and did a face plant.
i was on the stair master right behind her, pulled my ear buds out and asked if she was okay.
she got up, apologized (don't know why) and then kept running. (gold star for her!)
i would have grabbed my stuff and called it a day at that point.
i saw her by the free weights later on, and asked her if she was okay, she said yes, except her now puffy and bruised face was a little sore.
(well, of course it would be!)
she was a trooper.

it'll be monday in less than 12 hours, which means back to work and a full week ahead!
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