and its freaking sunny outside...why? i have no idea.
it should be raining, and the mountains should have some snow...but this year's winter is holding out on us.
i think.
i am not a weatherman...woman.
but i am loving the sunny weather and i like to have the windows open!
we went for a run today.
DB might be joining me for a half marathon in april this year!
and im stoked, cause i think that would be so awesome!
on my calendar are 3 half marathons by june. and then i turn 30.

serious question: do you *like* running? because i've always really wanted to, but i just can't. i try. but fail. so admire those who enjoy it and it isn't just tedious.
Susannah. I do enjoy running. Some don't. When I'm out of shape running is painful and hard. But if im consistant, it gets easier. What I do love is that running is specifically "me" time. No one else, just me. I love the time to be alone and the time to think and process. The races/ events, those are the fun rewards along the way.
that's awesome. i wish i liked it more. i used to. running = sadsville might also have something to do with the fact that thanks to genetics & birthing two children, i become an 84 year old woman and pee on myself when i run. fun times.
susannnah, you are hilarious! i had no idea birthing two children could do that to your body! i hope to keep running as long as i am sure if/when i get pregnant/birth a child my running schedule will look much different than it does today.
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