happy month of june!
june is by far my favorite month of the year; it used to represent school was out, and time off; but now it represents summer, warm weather, vacations, and my birthday!
i turn 30 in one week and two days.
my life, as of late, has been documented thanks to instagram; its how i have new photos in my flickr feed without ever picking up my DSLR.
i went for a run, on a windy day near the beach..i was pelted with sand for an hour and when i got back to my car...i was covered in sand, in my hair, on my face, in my shoes, in the creases of my neck...madness.

after that run, i went on a hike with shannon around lands end, the views are amazing

sunday night DB cooks dinner tradition has been his thing for almost 6 solid months now:)
so incredibly fantastic,
i love his consistency, his enjoyment around creating the menu and seriously the food, amazing!
inside this lulu lemon bag is a new running jacket from my in-laws!
and early birthday present...i love it:) lulu is not cheap, and they totally splurged on me!

this is my race bib and my timing chip for my race tomorrow morning!
my last race of my 20's!
i truly can't believe last year at this time I wanted to commit to running at least 1 half marathon before turning 30; and tomorrow's race will be my 6th half marathon in the past year!
i am crazy.
i have loved this year of running, i have enjoyed what the training runs have done for me both physically and mentally; i enjoy my training more than the events, i enjoy the solitude, the time to think, the solid hour of just being with myself, my breathing (sometimes gasping), my heart rate (sometimes pounding) and my the steady beat of my feet.
its been a good thing, this running thing.
i am going to keep it up;
logging the miles and the hours, buy new running shoes and hopefully get faster!