i guess i am a grown up now, which means no easter baskets :(
i so remember getting them every year, searching the house to see where my basket was hidden, loving the search, loving when i found someone elses and had to pretend i didn't know where it was. oh the times.
i remember the chocolate, the candies and the new pajamas, new socks, new books; whatever happened to be in my basket that year.
i remember every time i was able to go home for easter, even in college, i still received an easter basket of sorts.
i conclude: i am not too old for easter baskets, and next year, by golly i am going to remember and make baskets for the husband and myself... and we will celebrate.
i did think about going out and shopping and making easter baskets a couple of weeks ago; but i feel like time flies by, we are incredibly busy, maybe i just didn't have enough time to make it happen this year.
i vow to not have that same reality or excuse next year!
we kicked off the weekend with an easter dinner with friends
check out the little chocolate treats:)

on easter morning, we had cinnamon rolls!
the husband woke up earlier than i did and made them:)
oh delicious.

easter day started a little wet and rainy, but cleared up for the afternoon so we were about the make it out for a hike, and even talked the father-in-law to join us!
the view from the top

after the hike, dave washed my shoes for me, because i really don't like dirty shoes.
while sliding around in the mud, i told him he owed me a new pair, as he had the map and choose the path with the most mud.
at the in-laws, we did little baking of brownies, everyone watched the baseball game, and we had a feast of mom-in-laws specialty, lasagna, for dinner!
i ate two pieces:)