and we're taking it slow and simple, enjoying the day together.
its just now 12pm, and we're slowly cleaning up from breakfast and getting our act together as we'll venture out upon our day.
on the docket....buying a new bed and mattress.
we haven't fully decided, which means the hunt will continue; but maybe we'll make some decisions today, and schedule a time for delivery.
its days like these, when life is lived slowly, that i wonder when we choose to add someone else into this mix, what will life look like? how will life change? will i really struggle to find time to get dressed and take a shower? will i be okay with that? will my apartment be a disaster, or will i find the power/energy within me to keep it clean/tidy/organized?
thoughts...just thoughts i have this morning.
this past weekend we went to chico, with audrey and ruby!
we spent time with grandma, watching the masters, making sure grandma didn't fall or anything crazy like that.
i spent the drive hanging out with this little lady...oh love her!

we took a stroll through the park...little lady didn't want to be contained to a stroller, so she was carried; oh how the life of leisure she lives!

we attempted to get tea...but didn't know on sundays they open later, and we were on our way our of town...our fault for waiting till the last day :(

next time, we'll get josh to join us, we'll get tea more than once, to make up for not introducing audrey on her first trip to chico!
and into the weekend we are headed; on tap... work, dinner with friends, a race on sunday, maybe a new bed and mattress, and hopefully the sun will be shining :)
Still mad about that tea!! But had SUCH a great time! Thanks for documenting... per usual. :)
i love the last photo...utter disappointment by all 3. looks like it was a great weekend-minus the tea!
your pictures are really beautiful. the one of ruby is so clear and perfect. i need you to teach me how to use my camera.
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