but along the way we decided to stop at a few beaches just for fun.
our google maps app was guiding us to a green sand beach

but this is what the road looked like

we decided that calling a tow truck and spend a significant time stuck in the mud wasn't on our top 10 things to do while on vacation; so we carefully (and maybe slightly got stuck, but no town truck was needed) backed up and out of this muddy-really-not-a-real-road...and then back to the highway on our way to another beach.
the next beach was known to be secluded and the guide book said to park next to the yellow church...the road off the highway luckily was paved, and well traveled by the locals who lived in this little fishing village....this was our sign of caution

our guide book told us to walk to the south side of the church and take the fork to the right not to the left and then follow the path.

(yup...thats the kind of guide books we love...the adventurous ones!)
it was a 20 minute hike/walk/duck under the trees/follow the yellow arrow hike; that lead to an amazing lagoon with palm trees and not a single soul around!

(note: the yellow paint on the tree above, those were the markers along the way)
so much fun. worth the hike and not knowing where we were going!

there is a lot of lava rock on the big island

i wish we had packed a picnic and planned to stay for an entire day there...
that would have been amazing (next time!)

just lovely

we stayed just until sunset, as we wanted to have some sunlight to help guide us back to the parking lot...as we weren't entirely sure how to get back to our car.

one of the many things i love and appreciate about DB is his willingness to be adventurous, to seek out the road less traveled, to see where the locals truly live and to enjoy the journey along the way.
he makes traveling truly enjoyable and a lot of fun!

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