the day started out by sleeping in till 8am. :)
and then DB took me to starbucks...and i had my first soy latte of the season in a red cup!!
i serve these red cups every day by the case, but seriously, my first not-at-work purchased latte tasted delicious on thanksgiving in a red cup...oh holiday love!

as thanksgiving tradition has it...we went golfing.
sad story, the course was too wet to get a cart (lame!)
so i walked the links with my MIL
(whom i had convinced to join in on the golfing tradition, and to ride in the cart with me...but since we couldn't get a cart, we walked and talked the 9 holes together...then sat in the car with a bag of m&m's while the boys finished!)

while on the golf course, these ducks made me laugh

the day after thanksgiving i had to work.
but DB chose to cook his own thanksgiving meal so we could have mad leftovers
(he roasted a 14 pound turkey for the 2 of us!)
DB did an amazing job with the meal...i might never have to cook a turkey in my life as he has proven master chef of our kitchen!

luckily shannon was in town, for our annual christmas tree shopping extravaganza!
and joined in on our 2nd thanksgiving meal of the season!
(she ate her 1/8 pound of turkey, so we have a few pounds still left over!)

this is what i look forward to this holiday season...
warm apartment, red stockings on the wall, warm beverages, good food, relaxing evenings, and our friends lounging on our big brown couch!

your house looks so warm and cozy!!!
- Jill
such a lovely evening! thanks!
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