total weight gain: 11 pounds
(i think thats because we were on vacation eating ice cream and cookies after dinner everyday
and i haven't been to the gym in over 3 weeks!)
officially looking and feeling pregnant
getting in/out of bed, i feel like a whale washing up to shore amongst the waves, rolling till i get myself to the edge
our couch is the most uncomfortable place to sit, its too deep, too high, very challenging to get situated and into a comfortable position
i do like to sit in a normal chair or on the floor instead

i was sharing with a friend that i only have 15 weeks left, and then we get to meet out little Pip
she said, "oh thats when i started the count down when i was pregnant"
and i thought...OMW, i am not ready for a count down...no where close am i ready,
15 weeks still feels like a long ways away
i have so much to do between now and then
i can't even fathom thinking of being ready for a countdown

the belly band and cocoa butter are both my best friends at this point.
i wear the belly band everyday...and love that it keeps my stomach feeling secure,
as it helps my skin feel held together and protected
the cocoa butter helps with the itchiness and the incredible tightness that has a slight painful/uncomfortable component to it.
the discomfort is definitely worse at the end of the day than in the morning.
it is quite bizarre to be on the back half of this pregnancy already, it truly has FLOWN by.
and i know it will continue to fly by as we are so incredibly busy going into this holiday season.
i think i'll start my countdown 30 days or 4 days prior to my due date...tbd at this point.
on another note: here we are when the Giants won the World Series last week

we were amongst friends at a friends house and every time there was a play, home run, etc...
everyone would errupt in cheering and clapping; and then Pip would start kicking like crazy!
he was very much aware of all the noise and commotion going on around him.
he does move lots more; more so i can feel him more as he is getting bigger (gaining 6-8 ounces a week!)
it feels a lot like i have a churning in my stomach; one similar to the feeling when you know you're going to throw up and you can feel a lot of movement in your stomach before you hurl...
well it feels like that, without needing to run to the sink.
it more constant movement, and predominately more on one side than the other; so that must be his feet, right?
again, i am new to this, so its all a guess at this point.