last time i posted pictures from 22 weeks, when i was in houston.
for my 23rd week i was in SF, working like a crazy mad woman
getting my store ready to excel and thrive without me for a week.
in addition to working, we took time out to go see a giants game.

amidst working like crazy, i was getting myself and DB ready to take off for hawaii.
we both worked that monday, rolled into the east bay around 11-1130pm; and took off for the airport at 4am on tuesday.
(our trip will be another post; but when we landed on that amazing island, it took us a good 24 hours to realize where we were and relaxing was what we were supposed to be doing...!)
for my 24th week, i was in hawaii, and not about to post a picture of myself in a swim suit here.
below is a picture i took on my way out to get my first (and hopefully not my last) prenatal massage....
the massage was WONDERFUL!
in a studio amongst the palm trees and whatever birds in hawaii make up the background;
the entire set up couldn't be beat!

and for kicks, here i am at 24 1/2 weeks (that'd be today!)

those pink pants i was able to fit into 2 weeks ago in houston; yeah, can't get the button closed on those ones; i might have to adapt with the hair band trick, or fully succumb to maternity jeans...
tbd at this point.

i do feel much bigger, and my shirts are getting shorter.
my stomach is itchy from stretching, and my abdominal muscles are crazy sore
from either stretching apart to make room for little Pip, or the increased effort it takes to sit up and get up from a couch or my bed or out of my car....probably from all those things combined.
this whole body changing thing; oh-my-good-ness; it is crazy.
mentally, emotionally and physically...crazy; challenging to comprehend and accept as "this is normal"!
i don't know how one could plan for this...buying clothes that are too big is not what i am accustomed to doing, but knowing what i know now; it would be smart to buy my clothes a little bit bigger; as this belly of mine keeps growing!
as for Mr. Pip...ohmyword, he is so fun!
i can feel him moving more, and he likes to kick me, im pretty sure its his legs not his arms; but im new to this so he could be head butting me for all i know.
he moves more noticeably when i sit down to eat and/or right after i eat...
in addition to when i lay down to go to bed.
when he moves, it is by far my favorite time of day.
its like he is telling me,
"hey mom, im here!...even though you're crazy busy, don't forget, im in here!"
(if he could talk, that's what he'd say!)
vacation last week was SO good for SO many reasons; but given the gift of TIME,
i was able to sit on the beach and really think and really be present.
and it hit me...we only have 15 more weeks of him hanging out in there...and then we get to meet him.
like see his face, touch and hold him....i am really looking forward to that.
its going to be one beautiful day, whatever day that is in February of 2013...and i can't wait!!!
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