reasons why: i think i work too much
typically leaving the house either at 358am, 455am, or 535am (depending on when i have to start that day; and thats too early for a photo, specifically when i have it timed to 17 minutes from the time i wake up to the time i start my car... all in attempt to maximize the time i get to sleep!)
typically when i get home from work, photos are the last thing on my mind. therefore, photos 2 days a week; the days im not working.
i am super excited to have a new 18mm lens for my camera,
my old one died and i have no time to get it to the camera shop to get appraised and fixed;
so thanks to amazon prime; i had a new one on my door step 2 days after ordering.
with my new lens, i get to take better pictures documenting my ever growing self:)
this past week: DB and I both worked monday through friday.
not my typical routine, wasn't planned, but thats how it turned out...
we both clocked 60-ish hours due to crazy work demands.
life flies by when you are dangerously too busy.... we know all too well!
i think, will maternity leave feel like vacation?
will i be at home for more than the time it takes to eat dinner, shower, sleep 5 hours and then take off again?
this past saturday, i slept till 11am, and found DB studying for his exams in the kitchen.
i told him, i have not seen you all week, do we still share the same address?
photos from week 20.5 of pregnancy

we have now known our little Pip is a BOY for a little more than one week.
and this knowledge, I LOVE IT! i need to stay away from that place.
all the baby clothes i added to my registry are just little versions of what DB would wear
(sweaters with elbow pads, plaid shirts, beanies...:) it'll be like father like son!)
here i am at 21.1 weeks pregnant.
reality: i am half way done at this point and thats hard to comprehend.
i try not to think too much about it, as there is so much to do.
Pip's room is still looking much like a library... i don't think he wants to sleep on the bookshelves. :)

im looking forward to a 5 days in houston for work
(everyday will be 8-5 meetings/seminars/community service...what a schedule change!)
im very much looking forward to a week in hawaii after i get back from houston:)
im excited to celebrate DB's birthday this week:)
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