(above: one of my favorites, the sunset and DB)
DB bought me an iphone before we left, which poses such a threat to my DSLR.
i took almost equal amounts of photos with my new phone versus my camera.
the total, almost 800 photos.
completely normal for me and us when on vacation.
hence....kauai is posted in stages; as i have to comb through them and find the ones that tell our vacation best.
the Na Pali Coast.
DB, the planner, the adventurer, our tour guide and one who likes to explore.
he took us to both sides of the Na Pali coast; being that it can only been seen by foot, by helicopter or my boat; we drove as far as we could and hiked to see the little of it we could see.
and it was pretty spectacular.
from the west side,

from my phone

from the east side
DB did part of the 11 mile hike up/out to see the coast, i stayed on the beach:)
all of these are uneditted

(im on the beach down there...)
Waimea Canyon
its like the grand canyon of hawaii .... amazing, breath taking!

hidden beaches,on the Poipu side of the island,
we took a dirt road until its end, and then kept walking...


so fun it was to spend time with this guy

brendan is incredibly funny, witty and clever...
i really appreciate how he can make his brother laugh like no one else can

i spy DB

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