we really did miss them....DB mentioned one afternoon...
"its a bummer your parents are here, they'd really like this..."

we are already looking forward to next year; if only we could agree on which island to visit
i vote maui he votes going back to kauai.....either way, i'll be one happy camper!
and next year....little Pip will be joining us too (outside the womb)!

our trip went by way too quick...but it was amazing to get out of town, enjoy the slow paced life that hawaii has to offer, and to spend time with his family and also get some quality time just the two of us.
(which is rare with our busy schedules; yet incredibly sweet when it happens)

one of my goals for the trip was to see the sunset as many evenings as possible
and we made that happen 6 out of the 7 nights; in addition to 2 sunrises.
such a treat!

going into the trip i didn't know being pregnant would have been an "issue"; maybe i didn't do enough research or look into it; but when we were attempting to book day trips, adventures and excursions it was quickly noted that pregnant women aren't allowed to sail, going on dinner cruises up the Na Pali coast, kayak, tube through the sugar cane tunnels and we pregnant ladies are discouraged from the many strenuous hikes that are prominent throughout the Kauai island.
i was a little discouraged and didn't like being told what i couldn't do; but i kind-of-quickly was able to realize that it was all for safety and the life of mr pip is more important than my adventurous spirit.
luckily, DB did find a kayak company that would let me kayak, which was incredibly safe; except for the cliff jumping part of the excursion i simply opted out of joining.
here are the boys jumping

here i am happy to be kayaking

and the whole family

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