which means, by some calculations; I have entered into my 3rd trimester!
(tomorrow, it'll be 28...so i am a little behind!)

feeling bigger and more restricted when it comes to movement, speed at work and ability to pick things up and put them away (like cases of water, cups and soy...)
if i push myself too hard at work, at the end of the day, i limp/walk to my car, with throbbing back pain
so i am trying to limit my speedy movement/lifting as to save my aching back.
but it is so hard; as i now have to ask my people even more to help me and to do things.
i think they understand....
this past weekend sarah and jill hosted our very first baby shower!
and it was awesome.
i didn't get a group shot, or a picture of all the decor and dessert table; but imagine: AMAZING,
and thats what it was.

a bunch of family and friends were in attendance; and the gift theme was childrens books.
i loved the co ed component of the celebration; as DB is very much apart of this entire endeavor.
i enjoyed celebrating with him, our friends and our families collectively.

as a result of our first baby shower...our little Pip has his own little library, and i love it!

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