i'll detail my day below, mostly for myself, so that in one year from now, i can look back and contrast differences; as i am sure life will look a little different with a kid than it does currently.
because, honestly, i don't know where a kid fits into this type of schedule
8am: wake up, coffee, breakfast
9am: assemble holiday cookies for meeting, talk to mom on the phone
11am: church
1245-2pm: we went to the gym
230-4pm: showers, snacks and finalizing holiday meeting prep
415pm: pack up my work stuff, and drive to the city
5pm: dinner in the city with family
7pm: dessert at smitten (the best ice cream ever)
745pm: arrive at my store
9pm-1045pm: host holiday meeting for my store
1120pm: home, pull out clothes to wear tomorrow, shower and change
1140pm: in bed (DB already asleep, try not to wake him up)
343am: alarm #1 goes off
345am: alarm #2 goes off
(DB still sleeping, try not to wake him up)
405am: in my car, on my way to work
420am: found a parking spot less than one block from store!
430am: clock in, begin work
5am: store opens
915am: lunch and half caf americano with cold soy break
945am: respond to emails, create list to accomplish for the day
10-12pm: meeting with my new assistant
1230-105pm: lead tasting for conference call, send in recap from conference call
115pm: deliver corrective action, answer/call back 3 of my peers
2pm: schedule interviews for wednesday, asm check in's for tuesday, peer advice meeting for thursday
250pm: discouraged, my to do list is incomplete
3pm: arrive at peer's store to conduct interviews for district
430pm: arrive at my car, just as I am getting a parking ticket (don't tell DB)
515pm: arrive at home, shower, dinner (thank goodness for food in the fridge)
607pm: make this list.
thank goodness for text messaging, as i don't know how and when i would communicate with my husband otherwise.
thats my current "day in the life"
i do wonder what life will look like in 3 months, in 6 months and in 9 months; as i truly can't really fathom how we are going to balance 2 careers with non traditional schedules, little Pip and continuing to live the life we love.
ps: look what DB bought

yes, we are smitten already for our little guy.
haha yes that schedule will look different and i swear you will look back and think, wow. i used to have so much time! really. BUT that said, we pack a ton in now and we did then too. it just gets 5890 times more complicated with a little person in tow. and then, add another? it's called crazytown. why do you think i always look like a hot mess and i'm blogging at midnight after being up since the crack with my darlings? you can do it, it just takes some work and a sense of humor
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