we like it when the parents come to visit.
the last time there were here was in JUNE...which was far too long ago.
they are incredibly easy to please and fun to be with, they love it when we make the plans and they get to go along for the ride
so in our typical fashion: DB makes plans and leads the way.
so first up, coffee in half moon bay

and then a drive south to pescadero to walk along some beaches.
grandma as a sport, im sure she'd rather be inside/warm reading a book; but she came out to venture with us:)

jill brought her littles

dad did his routine scouting for shells and sand dollars; but we weren't at the right beach for either of those

we ended the day with wine tasting, followed up with DB hosting sunday night dinner:)
a glorious, busy, fantastic weekend.

happy day to you all!

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