we always work mondays, its always an overly full admin day for those in my line of work.
but then, again, i am not working right now, and i have almost completed my first week of maternity leave...and have twenty three more to go!
(its going to go by way too fast, i already know it...but i am incredibly thankful for the amazing amount of time off i am given to have a baby, to bond and to transistion into motherhood)
the past 3 days have been good; two of them were saturday and sunday; so if i had taken a weekend off (which is rare) it wouldn't have been much different.
this week...hopefully Pip decides to arrive, and until then i'll keep finding things to stay busy, coupled with attempts to relax and slow down (which is never easy for me)
the past three days in pictures (since this is how i roll)
friday was my 39th week of pregnancy

went to the gym, completed a sweaty 2.2 miles of stairs; felt incredibly good,
received lots of funny looks

honestly, i am ready to be anonymous again
i want to go places and do things and not get looks, comments, stares, etc.
i don't want people to get off the stair master if they are next to me, maybe its an illusion,
but i am always left all by my lonesome.
superbowl party with DB's boss and his fam, who are all hard core 49er season ticket holders
DB was incredibly risky wearing a black/silver jersey, i thought they might not let us in.

but they did, and of my...they had chocolate cupcakes!!

blood work...turns out not so good...

so the doctors called today and order up steroids to kick these numbers hopefully back up over 90-100
we are hoping and praying for an increase before Pip arrives, so that all options are open
and so that safety, health, recovery, etc....can be the story of this birth
i am confident i will still be able to have the drug free natural birth i want
and i am still excited about the labor and delivery part of pregnancy;
its just a bummer my blood is creating some hiccups along the way,
thankfully these numbers have nothing to do with our little Pip, as he is all good and healthy:)
the numbers are something that is going on in my blood production/system,
(we are hopeful after pregnancy these things level out...which would be nice!)

today i went in for a prenatal massage, it was awesome;
and then my favorite magazine came in the mail...more awesome.
and thats a wrap.
i hope Pip arrives soon!
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