yup...freaking platelets...dropped to 90.
not so good.
doctors appointment was already scheduled for 930a; so i didn't worry too much as i knew we'd be discussing the count soon enough.
the appointment went well, i am measuring a little smaller than my actual gestational size should be, due to Pip dropping; which i've said before, is amazing, as i am more able to breathe!
we have now progressed to getting blood work done twice a week now, so i am having my platelet counts redone this Sunday, so results are posted on Monday and at my appointment on Tuesday we can "make more decisions"
first will probably be a steroid injection, in attempt to make the numbers rise.
if that doesn't work, we'd disucess a blood transfusion.
i am just hoping...Pip arrives sooner than later... with no problems and no complications:)
the appointment also included this awesome stress test

which revealed Pip is moving GREAT and apparently i am having contractions,
but can't feel a thing! the technician kept asking, "kim, do you feel that?!"
i said, "feel what?"
she said, "you're having a contraction right now"
i replied, "oh, i had no idea"
after my longer than expected appointment,
i went on a 4 mile walk and then had coffee on the beach

after completing some laundry, Pips birthday party favors, painting art work for Pips room....
i concluded my afternoon on the couch

all in all, day 2 of ML was a good one.
Pip allowed me an extra sleep in day, i was able to get stuff done...
and he has chosen to have a February birthday not a January birthday....
now he just needs to choose which of these days he'd like to make his entrance:)
i am very much looking forward to meeting this little guy, and getting to know him.
i am very much looking forward to the birthing process,
i think i am going to be even more amazed than i am now at what my body is intended and able to do
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