
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

7 days left of my 30th year of life

It's been a busy year!
I remember well my 29th year, maximizing the time remaining of my twenties and looking forward to the next decade with anticipation accompanied why high hopes. 
My 30th year went by faster than I thought it would; with its many life changes I suppose it was fashioned to fly by!
This year has been a good one,
 I successfully managed a pregnancy and survived the birth of little Will.
 I ran a few races, I transitioned to a new store, I promoted two assistants, I traveled to Mexico, Hawaii, Austin TX, and Monterey. 
I surprised myself with the enjoyment of the slower pace of life once we had a kid.
He has changed our family dynamic or rather created a family dynamic that wasn't there before. 
He has slowed us down in a very good way.
I have been amazed at how quick the days go by, yet at times it seems so slow.

I am now on the cusp of another life change; turning 31 and returning back to work after taking 20 something weeks off.
Life as a working mom, i am about to discover how it will all work our for me: personally and professionally as well as for us: with scheduling and role clarity. It'll be quite the transition but again I have great anticipation it'll all work out! 


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