too many pictures, too many events; and simply not enough time with both my hands free to sit down and get it all captured into the numerous blog posts it would take to get "caught up".
with that, i'll just start with where i am at today.
three days away from going back to work.
this beautiful maternity leave is about to come to an end.
the time i've had at home has been incredibly sweet; and time i'll never get back.
if we choose baby number two; my maternity leave at that time will look so incredibly different as it won't just be me and baby; it'll be me, baby and big boy will.
with that, its a bittersweet week heading back to work, and concluding this time of maternity leave.
i work for one amazing company, who generously gave me almost 6 months off to be with my babe, and my job waiting for me upon my return. if i needed more time, they'd be accommodating; but the timing couldn't be more perfect; as to the date of my return is the date DB wraps up at his schools, and is able to take his leave to stay home with will. the timing; it truly couldn't be more perfect.
this guy, he is just fantastic

and i have really enjoyed my time at home with him.
at times it went by incredibly fast, yet incredibly slow.
i didn't know "being at home" would feel so lonely, isolating, enjoyable, quiet, busy, challenging, hard, and good.
i am not sure how this transition back to work will be; but i am excited to enter back into the professional world, to do what i am good at, to see if i can balance working and being a mom; which might be the hardest part of this parenting gig yet.
to add a little recap of our busy month of june:
we celebrated fathers day, DB's first:)

we celebrated DB's brothers wedding

we celebrated my birthday

i ran my first after-having-a-baby half marathon (on will's 4 month birthday)

(how fun would it be if will and i ran a half marathon together, in approx 16 years?!!)
we celebrated life with an afternoon of wine tasting

we took will to his first giants game

we celebrated will's 4th month of life (weighing in at 15 lbs 1 oz)

will first tooth has broken the gum line...causing him to want to chew on anything/everything

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