this month he really has turned up the expressions, interactions and sleeping longer!
we are enjoying all three of those things a LOT!
(my heart might change when we are facing the time to wean him from it...
but we will cross that bridge when we get there!)
we are still dream feeding/final feeding him between 10-1030p, which i think has really helped us keep him "scheduled"...which is more like us being "consistent"....with one feeding a day!
i like his laugh most of all.
he truly is really happy and funny and i like that about him!
for his 4 month doctors appointment; which included another round of shots; he did amazing!
we had a late afternoon appointment, which we didn't know would be good or bad; due to not knowing if he would react poorly to the shots.
but honestly it worked out really well; his evening rountine remained the same, and he went down to bed like normal; and slept off any discomforts or side effects of the shots. he only woke up once for his typical feeding time. so proud of him. he did a great job.
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