My 29th year was a huge year accompanied with a lot of goals I wanted to accomplish before entering into the next decade.
I prepared and I counted down to my 30th birthday for 12 months.
And in the blink of an eye, I am now sitting on my couch, just got Will into his crib for the night; thinking, holy moly today is my last day of being 30!
I didn't have the ability, time or mental capacity to count down for 12 months to my 31st year, in addition turning 31 versus 30 definitely doesn't have the same "entering into a new decade/life change" associated with it!
Today was such a good one, two friends drive 4 hours here and 4 hours back to have lunch and cupcakes with me (don't worry they were meeting up with other awesome friends too! Maximizing their trip to the bay)
Tomorrow, I just might try to get a pedicure with my little Will.
My friend Betsy said its doable.
She's a pro, with two kids of her own.
I've just been too nervous to take him with me to get a pedicure not knowing if he'd be ok!
But I just might try it...cause tomorrow is my birthday.
I really like birthdays.
I really like celebrating them a lot; and not just mine, everyone's!
It a specific day to ensure you show others how much they mean to you...and I like doing that!
Back to my 30th year!
Wow it went fast, its incredible how much my life changed this year!
I'm forever grateful I didn't die while giving/attempting to birth my baby, saved by a c-section.
I'm forever grateful for my little Will who made me a mother this year! A role I am just starting to learn how to embrace and do well::a lifetime ahead of me to keep working on being the best mother I can be.
I'm forever proud of DB and all he has professionally accomplished during my 30th year.
I'm forever thankful for DB who is the best husband and father to our son I could ever ask for.
I had high hopes, and still have high hopes for this decade called the 30's and if it's anything like the first year, I'm in good shape.
I've had a great 30th year and am very much looking forward to my 31st!
and some photos...cause whats a post without photos?!
this past weekend....ran a half marathon!
on Will's 4 month birthday

DB surprised me with a new onesie on Will
("run mommy run")

wine tasting with DB, sister and bro-in-law after my race

and these two...what's not to love?!

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