today marks the 19th week of little Pips journey of development and growth.
he/she really does make me so tired.
like exhausted kind-of-tired.

in all i've read, its commonly said you'll feel more tired during pregnancy
but what they should have said was...
you'll want to go to bed at 6pm, almost all of the time
you'll choose to skip meals so you can sleep
you'll be so tired after getting off work, trekking around the lake sounds more like climbing mount everest
you'll count down the hours until you can fall back into bed
you'll feel torn when making decisions about going to the gym or sleeping
you'll feel torn when making decisions about going anywhere, or sleeping
you'll want to take a nap everyday, but your schedule won't allow
you'll want to take a nap everyday, but concerned you won't wake up until the next day

this tired thing is crazy business.
something i don't think i could have even appropriately planned for, as i haven't ever had a similar season like this in my life.
this past week, i've started to feel my lower abdominal muscles stretching.
which is WILD.
it feels like i've had an awesome work out kind of muscle-soreness
but im not doing crazy abdominal muscular toning workouts; so i know its Pip growing his/her space to make room for his/her ever growing body.
this week, i've been hungry...oh wait; thats been for the past 18 weeks.
so no difference there.
in conjunction with hunger; is also thirst.
a longing for straight not too cold water....and a lot of it, all day long!
this week, my work pants have felt a little tighter :(
i've held out for so long, i am trying to hold out even longer...
(discomfort might win over; i just don't know what kind of work pants to wear next)
(photo 18.5 weeks; taken wednesday before i left for a meeting)
work aka my new store...a little overwhelming and stressful at the moment.
we have a huge test product launch in 2 weeks; there are only 9 stores chosen for this project; and somehow my store is on that list. in addition, i have only been there 3 weeks; and time is how changes, growth and perfection is achieved...and we're not there yet.
next week....we hope to find out the gender of little Pip....and im excited about that:)