but up until now; i truly haven't carved out the time to do so.
i really should; as i think i might regret it if i don't.
here i am at 17 weeks, yup, the belly has popped, its no longer hidden/and or possibly secret when you see me

i have started to feel the "flutters" which aren't gas, hunger or any other normal feelings that i could mistake it for.
my favorite part of the day is when i get into bed, exhausted, hoping to stay awake and still for 5 more minutes to see if i can feel him/her moving around.
it doesn't happen every day; but maybe 4 times out of this past week.
its pretty wild; and the bigger he/she gets, the more i will be able to feel it.
im excited about that.

we have 2 more weeks until we might find out the gender; im ready to start associating Pip with a gender; as mentioned before i want to start organizing, buying and getting his/her room/stuff set up.
my only prominent pregnancy symptoms continue to be hunger and tiredness.
i know working as much as i do doesn't quite help in that arena, but it really does make every day and every week fly by!
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