here i am at our 20 week ultrasound appointment.
the appointment that we thought would have taken less than an hour to complete....
but due to our little Pip deciding it was time to take a nap, I had to drink grape juice and run up a few flights of stairs in attempt to wake him up so that we could get some good photos of all the organs, bones and specifically his heart!
he did, cooperate, kind of....i had to do some yoga moves/stretching in attempt to help the technician get clear shots!
the tech...oh my...miss silent!
i was trying to ask questions, like what am i looking at? hows it look? when do we get to see boy or girl?
she wasn't really into talking, and made it pretty clear.
she was very nonchalant when she asked, "do you want to know the gender?" ... "oh its a boy"....
and kept moving on as if she just told me the sky is blue.
i looked over at DB, and said, "its a boy!" he was smiling.....and the technician kept taking photos of our little Pip.
the reality didn't really sink in, nor did we have a chance to talk about it until we were out of the hospital, down the elevator and into our car.
DB played a song for me in the car he had downloaded on his ipod while we were upstairs ...
and then i lost it.
(even thinking of it now, i get all teary)
that song, it kills me.
holy crap....we are having a son!
we have been blessed, we have been given the responsibility to raise little Pip into a respecftul young adult, who will go forth into this world and make a difference.
that day, emotionally, felt very much like the day when we found out there were 2 lines on that pregnancy test.
i so very much appreciate knowing the gender of this little child occupying my abdomen.
i like being able to associate HIM with dreams, plans and looking forward to the future, being able to vision a boy.
to say the least...we are excited...

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